Monday, July 30, 2012

love me some old friends!

 driving an hour to a shower a day early. fail.
enjoying a brewski 
with my man. 
 made a little side trip to meet little carter!  
so happy blair bot is just a drive away.
Saturday night i met up with a bunch of my orlando homies in santa monica.
love me some vern vern.
part of the gang reunited. love old friends!
i needed a double espresso shot.  
brent and chels being relentless!
 after a fun evening of surfing!
good night sun.
this makes me happy 
cheers to another good weekend! 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Team America...

friday's fit to support the us of a.
pearls and blue & white stripes...
if that doesn't scream america, i don't know what does
catching up on the games this am.


Thursday, July 26, 2012


KT's amazing sewing skills.
love the love.
 mini muffins + mini chalk boards
 mini scones. yum! 
(apparently i missed the rest of the food, but you get the point)
 coffee/tea/water bar. 
there are stripped straws in the back in an old soup can. :)
 a card for lots of occasions.
thank you jess for the creativity!
Re-used silver cans holding a few fresh flowers
a champagne flute for everyone
found here!
 mimosa bar.  
(there were non-alcoholic sparking juices on the sides)
thank you KT for the amazing little signs..
homemade soap favors courtesy of my momma.

a huge thanks to my momma, kt, candy and allee!  i love you all with all my heart and can not be more thankful to have such great family.  I am one lucky lady to be surrounded with so much love.  thanks for putting up with my procrastination ways. xo.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

the calm before the storm...
making sure they look ok. 
family <3!
beach with al! 
no we are not tan-rexia this was taken off her camera so the coloring is off...
mom and cailin!
 "i look so big next to her"
 cour-kay love with a little cai mashed in!
 she's going to be trouble....
ps. i got this perfect summer go-to coral dress on super clearance @ J.Crew. $26 buckaroos. jackpot!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

jet lagged.

I know, I know.  I need to get with the blogging program. 

the first 24.
let the piggy eating begin!  
good food, great wine, and the best of friends!
6 am bar class
fresh faced
the bakes
of course we made an Epcot pit stop.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

daddy's girl

i might be the worlds worst human at sending cards/gifts on time. 
i'm not usually a few days late...more like a month late. (better late than never right? right?)

anyways, sorry dad for being such a slacker. you know i love you to the moon and back.

thank you for being such a great role model in my life, thank you for all of your support throughout the years. thank you for showing me that hard worked does pay off.  you have devoted your whole heart and sole to your family and i couldn't be more thankful...
you are the best dad a little girl could ask for.
to my hip dad. happy belated daddy's day. 
ps. thanks for all the sweet dance moves you've passed down to me. :) 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

workity work.

I found this hair tutorial one morning while I was blog stalking, (her blog is amazing) and knew i had to try it asap.
I'm slightly obsessed.  It is now my go-to work pony.
bathroom photo shoot.
 (banana outlet jacket and shoes, j.crew silk blouse, belt and necklace)

a typical weekend.

morning joe
morning jor
 heading down to trails
 sunset at trails.
a dear on my morning trail run
 a sunday skype date. <3 them!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I love my momma.

Happy Birthday to my sweet sweet mother. 
Wish I could have been there to give you a big 'ol hug.
Cheers to you!

fail on the backwards sign.

close up.